English translation for night of revenge
English translation for night of revenge

english translation for night of revenge

Bacon highlights the point that revenge is totally against the law.

english translation for night of revenge

There is no difference between both, apparently. Undoubtedly by taking revenge, the wrongdoer and the counter-attacker are equal and at the same level. The law is useless when a person tries to take revenge himself. If one commits a crime or does some harm to anybody, he/she is offending and violating the law but when the victim counterattacks, it make the law of no use. The more one’s nature turns toward for taking revenge, the more he is taking the law into his hands. By such contrast, he describes the whole picture of the animal and human life. Bacon starts the essay by calling revenge as animalistic behavior by using the words “wild justice” for it. Of Revenge by Francis Bacon is a short but meaningful essay that carries the author personal views about the great upsurge of nowadays society that is “revenge”. Of Revenge by Francis Bacon Literary Analysis.

English translation for night of revenge